
Buying a house on mortgage in islam

Buying a house is a significant milestone for many individuals and families. However, for Muslims, the process involves considering Islamic principles, particularly when it comes to financing through a mortgage. Islam places a strong emphasis on ethical and moral financial practices, which means that traditional interest-bearing mortgages are not permissible.

Majority of people want to to slay away from paying rent and finally own their very own, however, under the current economic hardship, many may find it difficult to purchase their first house without participating in mortgage. Unfortunately, there are many examples of Muslim’s in the western socieity who pick up on mortgage to finance their purchases for a home. A Muslim has to be very cautious against getting involved in any sort of usurious transactions. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba (usury) and the one who pays it.

This blog will explore how Muslims can navigate the process of buying a house while adhering to Islamic guidelines.

Understanding Islamic Finance Principles

Islamic finance is governed by Sharia law, which prohibits riba (interest) and emphasizes risk-sharing and ethical investments. Here are some key principles:

  1. Prohibition of Interest (Riba): Charging or paying interest is strictly forbidden. The Quran states:
  • “Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, ‘Trade is [just] like interest.’ But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest…” (Quran 2:275).
  • “Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever” (Quran 2:276).
  1. Risk Sharing: Financial transactions should involve risk-sharing and should not guarantee a fixed return.
  2. Asset-Backed Financing: Investments should be backed by tangible assets or services.
  3. Ethical Investments: Investments should avoid sectors like alcohol, gambling, and pork production, which are considered haram (forbidden).

Islamic Mortgage Alternatives

To comply with these principles, several alternative mortgage structures have been developed. The most common ones are:

  1. Murabaha (Cost-Plus Financing):
  • The bank buys the property and sells it to the buyer at a higher price, which includes a profit margin.
  • The buyer pays this price in installments over a fixed period.
  • The profit margin is agreed upon in advance, ensuring no hidden charges.
  1. Ijarah (Lease-to-Own):
  • The bank buys the property and leases it to the buyer.
  • A portion of each lease payment goes towards purchasing the property over time.
  • Once the lease period ends, ownership is transferred to the buyer.
  1. Musharakah (Joint Ownership):
  • Both the buyer and the bank jointly purchase the property.
  • The buyer gradually buys the bank’s share over time.
  • Payments are divided into two parts: one for renting the bank’s share and the other for buying out the bank’s share.

Steps to Buying a House on an Islamic Mortgage

  1. Research and Choose an Islamic Bank:
  • Look for banks that offer Sharia-compliant mortgage products.
  • Ensure they are reputable and have clear terms and conditions.
  1. Understand the Financing Options:
  • Decide which type of Islamic mortgage (Murabaha, Ijarah, or Musharakah) suits your needs.
  • Understand the terms, repayment schedules, and any associated fees.
  1. Get Pre-Approval:
  • Obtain pre-approval from the bank to understand your budget.
  • Pre-approval will give you a clear idea of the price range you can afford.
  1. Find a Property:
  • Work with a real estate agent familiar with Islamic financing if possible.
  • Choose a property that meets your needs and budget.
  1. Initiate the Financing Process:
  • Submit your application along with necessary documents (income proof, employment details, etc.).
  • The bank will evaluate your application and the property.
  1. Agreement and Documentation:
  • Review the financing agreement carefully.
  • Ensure all terms are transparent and comply with Sharia principles.
  1. Property Purchase:
  • Once everything is in order, the bank will purchase the property on your behalf.
  • You will then start making payments as per the agreed terms.
  1. Completion:
  • Follow through with your payment plan until the property is fully owned by you.

Benefits of Islamic Mortgages

  • Ethical Financing: Aligns with Islamic values and principles.
  • Risk Sharing: Both parties share the risks involved, promoting fairness.
  • No Interest: Avoids the ethical dilemma of paying or earning interest.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Availability: Islamic mortgage products may not be available in all regions.
  • Complexity: The process can be more complex and might involve higher initial costs.
  • Regulatory Differences: Ensure the bank’s products comply with both Sharia law and local regulations.


Buying a house on a mortgage in Islam requires careful consideration of Sharia principles. By opting for Islamic mortgage alternatives like Murabaha, Ijarah, or Musharakah, Muslims can achieve homeownership in an ethical and compliant manner. It’s crucial to work with knowledgeable financial institutions and understand all aspects of the agreement to ensure a smooth and compliant home-buying process.

Navigating this path may seem challenging, but with the right guidance and financial products, it’s entirely possible to buy a home that aligns with both your needs and your faith.

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Buying a house on mortgage in islam

Buying a house is a significant milestone for many individuals and families. However, for Muslims, the process involves considering Islamic

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